Wednesday, June 29, 2011

This Is Me

My life is a simple thing that would interest no one. It is a known fact that I was born and that is all that is necessary. ~ Albert Einstein

Hi! My name is Julie. My life is fairly normal, if there is such a thing, so I don't know if this blog will intrest anybody, but I'll write it anyway! haha  

I'm 18 and graduated(yay!) from homeschool this year. I really enjoyed being homeschooled, but am glad to be done with highschool. By the way, my mom has a blog where she writes about homeschooling.. if you want to check it out the url is . My life this summer consists of work, a Bible study/college group at my church, spending time with my family('cause they're awesome and I love them.. trust me, they REALLY are awesome!),soaking up the sun, hanging out with friends, and preparing for college this fall. I'll be going to the community college in my hometown to start towards getting an accounting degree. Even though most people think I'm crazy, I AM looking foward to going to college. I guess a love of learning is one of the results/benefits of having been homeschooled. :) Some of my hobbies right now are: photography, reading, spending time with my family, and hanging out with my friends.

This blog isn't going to be anything "profound" or even anything close! haha  As the title says, it's just random stuff. It may be intresting, cool, or just random! The whole point of what I'm trying to say is that I'm going to have fun with writing this blog and there's really no rhyme or reason to it. Some posts may be songs I heard and liked, others may be websites I've found, and others will be updates about things I'm learning and about my life as a homeschool graduate/college student/ teenager. By the way, I know my spelling, grammer, and punctuation aren't perfect, so there are going to be some mistakes, but hopefully you'll forgive that!